A mother of five living on God's Love, Grace and Mercy.

"What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, February 28, 2011

Oozing Jesus...

Found this blog through a favorite blog of mine (aholyexperienc.com) and there was a discussion of people who "ooze Jesus." You could leave a comment about someone you know...these were my first thoughts...

Oozes Jesus...I must say my 13 year son, Dylan, is the first I thought of. In fact, he oozes Jesus so much sometimes that I think he feels a bit lost in this world where "self" takes center stage. He hasn't raised a million dollars for clean water or travled to other countries to help the poor with money he's earned by delivering newspapers. He makes the same "teen-age" mistakes daily--testing the limits of His parents. But he LOVES people. He genuinly loves people--so much so that the "normal" teasings and antics of his peers are lost upon him. He doesn't understand "ugliness" of any kind, and hurts when others are victims of it. There are times when I have looked in to his eyes and could see that he feels as if he doesn't belong in this world; he just seems to know that we are all something so much better than ourselves allow us to be. And, to me, it's there that we ooze Jesus. :)

Thank you God for the "Dylans" of this world!
I love you, Dylan!


Unknown said...

You are a wonderful mother.

AlivewithFive! said...

Thanks Jeanne Marie...mothering is humbling.