A mother of five living on God's Love, Grace and Mercy.

"What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where Did the Time Go?

Wow...I stopped in this morning and realized it's been awhile since I've posted. It's been a busy busy busy month! The last month of the school year is always full of activities, and this one has been no exception! The big event has been Madi's 5th Grade Graduation, which I was so blessed to be apart of---preparing and attending. The day was wonderful and left me swollen with joy for the accomplishments Madi accomplished during her Elementary School years.

And so...I now have two middle schoolers. It amazes me how quickly the time passes; I can remember Madi and Dylan's Kindergarten Graduations like they were only minutes ago. I can see vividly in my mind Dylan on the church stage declaring his goal to become a Jedi Knight and Madi with her gap and gown, smiling between her Kindergarten classmates.

I have no idea how we got here...time passes so quickly, too quickly.

I read this blog this morning http://thegypsymama.com/2011/05/why-motherhood-should-not-be-graded-on-a-curve/ and found myself wondering what little things I've learned from mothering two children through Elementary school--hoping that perhaps I've gained some truths that will guide me through three more.

Here's what I have come to hold onto...

--a clean and perfect home is never worth sacrificing time with the ones you love
--sometimes children just need you to LISTEN
--kids like rules no matter what they claim
--laughter heals most things
--there is no perfect parent, only a Perfect Father from whom to ask guidance
--when nothing else penetrates...give them a hug
--children have different gifts and talents, none are more worthy than the other
--hang in there; the silence will go away
--tv, candy, sweets and getting off the schedule WON'T kill them
--a question you have to ask yourself OFTEN: Is this my dream or his/her dream?
--there is no RIGHT age to get rid of the bottle, paci and diapers--mom knows best!
--Kids can thrive in Public School
--Putting your kid on the school bus is okay

Lastly...Time passes QUICKLY. Enjoy every moment. :)

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