A mother of five living on God's Love, Grace and Mercy.

"What is uttered from the heart alone, will win the hearts of others to your own" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Summer of Weddings...

It's been a summer of weddings, as I have attended three already and it's only mid June. So, it's no wonder why Marriage has been on my mind...

The wedding day---so perfect and detailed. Every moment considered. Months are invested in making the time memorable--how things will look, where people will stand, who will attend, on and on and on. But really, what it all comes down to in the end is two people, standing face to face, committing before God to become one flesh. One flesh--so that every hurt he has hurts you, and every tear he drops seems to come from your own eye; and every success of his is considered your own and his failures are felt in the deepest part of your heart--One flesh.

It isn't easy. It seems easy at first. When life is smiling upon you and all the cards are standing, being One comes naturally--like breathing. But eventually, life frowns and our humaness takes over and sides form, lines are drawn, the flesh divides. The wounds from life in a lost world seem to remain unhealed. And if left that way, the marriage dies.

But this doesn't have to be. For on that wedding day, He stands with the two as a Healer and Protector. He stands with those who know Him and with those who don't. I know this. For, He stood with me even without me really fully understanding He was there. And nearly 2o years later--amidst life's smiles and frowns--HE continues to bind the flesh as One.

May those whose weddings I attended this summer--

Chris and Heather
Todd and Jessica
and....Kelly and Dan (my brother and new sister)

be bound by God as One Flesh through every smile and frown life gives you.



Lesli said...

That's beautiful Natalie! Makes me think about my husband and how important it is to nurture and cherish that relationship. You're a great writer! - Lesli (from TMMB)

AlivewithFive! said...

Thanks Lesli! :)